Sunday, May 23, 2010

Almost ready to go! -Noel

Well, we're almost all packed up and ready to leave tomorrow. Chris's bag is about to bust, but mine still has 1/3 left. Girl clothes are smaller than boy clothes, I suppose, and I'm a pretty experienced packer. Waaaayyy too much travelling in the past, but I'm totally looking forward to this.
Our flight leaves at 1:35pm tomorrow (Monday) and we arrive in Rome on Tuesday at 9:30am. Yes, we're both drugging ourselves to sleep for the flight. No point in waking up any more jet-lagged than necessary.

A dear friend is staying at the house for us- watering my garden, walking the Noka-dog, and taking care of my birds, our fish, and the cat.

I'm so excited! Pictures every day, I promise!

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